We, the Hynergy Engineering team, have dedicated ourselves to developing technical solutions at the interface of renewable energy generation and emission-free mobility. We are convinced that in the future hydrogen as power storage and fuel will play a major role in addition to the short-term storage of electricity in batteries.
To implement our vision of generating hydrogen from renewable electricity decentrally (e.g. from the summer electricity surpluses of our domestic rooftop solar PV systems), to store and to consume the PV energy and the resulting hydrogen locally, we build on decades of experience in hydrogen technology:
- We promote and support the development of hydrogen vehicle technology in projects with strong partners from the automotive industry worldwide.
- We know how hydrogen as storage and fuel can be used efficiently and safely.
- We drive several hydrogen electric vehicles as well as battery electric vehicles ourselves and understand their advantages and challenges.
Do you have questions about hydrogen as power storage or fuel?
Do you want to know more about hydrogen electric vehicles and their opportunities and challenges, as well as their comparison with battery electric vehicles?
Then contact us – we are happy to help if we can.