In between 2016 and 2018, the Hynergy team has contributed to the planning, execution and commissioning of China’s most advanced Hydrogen Technology Center, located in Baoding, North-West China.
The Center comprises Prototyping and Testing facilities for almost all the value chain of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV):
Prototyping facilities:
- Fuel Cell MEA, Single Cell, Stack, System
- Hydrogen Storage Vessel (Type 3 and Type 4)
- Hydrogen Storage Components (Valves & Regulators)
- Fuel Cell Electric Drive Integration
- Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Trial Manufacturing
Testing facilities:
- Fuel Cell MEA, Single Cell, Short Stack, Full Stack, Air Compressor, Recirculation, Humidification, Full Fuel Cell Systems
- Hydrogen Storage Vessel Hydraulic & Gas Cycling, Valve and Regulator Testing
- Fuel Cell Drive System Performance & Durability Testing
The Center is in ownership of Great Wall Motors and started acting as a nationwide Technology Service Center in 2019.
The Hynergy Engineering team is proud to have initiated, planned and supported the construction, equipment sourcing and commissioning process of this unique Hydrogen Technology Center.